
Presented in chronological order.

2008  2009  2010  2011  2012  2013  2014

Note that some materials (e.g., journal articles, published proceedings, etc. must be obtained from the publisher. For example, many Waste Management (WM) papers are included. WM Symposia offers Conference Proceedings publicly from 1975 – 2012 online without charge (“Online Proceedings” tab under Archives). Proceedings for 2013 are available for a charge.

2008  Top

Quality Assurance Program: Cementitious Barriers Partnership (CBP)

CBP-TR-2008-01 — December 2008
J. P. Vaughan, Savannah River National Laboratory, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC, Savannah River Site, Aiken, SC

2009  Top

Reference Cases For Use in the Cementitious Barriers Partnership

CBP_SRNL-STI-02009-00005 OSTI Description WM 2009 March 1-5, Phoenix, AZ
Christine A. Langton, Savannah River National Laboratory; David S. Kosson, CRESP and Vanderbilt University, Andrew C. Garrabrants, CRESP and Vanderbilt University, and Kevin G. Brown, CRESP and Vanderbilt University

Overview of the U.S. Department of Energy and Nuclear Regulatory Commission Performance Assessment Approaches

CBP-TR-2009-001, Rev 0 — May 2009 OSTI Description

  • Overview: C. A. Langton, R. R. Seitz, S. L. Marra, Savannah River National Laboratory, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC, Savannah River Site, Aiken, SC; and L. C. Suttora, United States Department of Energy, Office of Environmental Management EM-41, Washington DC.
  • CBP-TR-2009-001–Vol-I Overview of Performance Assessments and Modeling of Cementitious Barriers: R. R. Seitz, Savannah River National Laboratory, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC, Savannah River Site, Aiken, SC; and K. G. Brown,  Vanderbilt University, School of Engineering, Consortium for Risk Evaluation with Stakeholder Participation, Nashville, TN; G. A. Taylor, Savannah River National Laboratory, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC, Savannah River Site, Aiken, SC; U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC.
  • CBP-TR-2009-001–Vol-II Overview of Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysi: K. G. Brown, Vanderbilt University, School of Engineering, Consortium for Risk Evaluation with Stakeholder Participation, Nashville, TN; R. R. Seitz, Savannah River National Laboratory, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC, Savannah River Site, Aiken, SC; G. A. Taylor, Savannah River National Laboratory, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC, Savannah River Site, Aiken, SC 29808; and D. W. Esh, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC.

Review of Mechanistic Understanding and Modeling and Uncertainty Analysis Methods for Predicting Cementitious Barrier Performance

November 2009 — CBP-TR-2009-002, Rev. 0 OSTI Description

  • CBP-TR-2009-002-C2, Rev. 0 Mineralogical and Microstructural Evolution In Hydrating Cementitious Systems: K.A. Snyder, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD.
  • CBP-TR-2009-002-C3, Rev. 0 Early-Age Cracking Review: Mechanisms, Material Properties, and Mitigation Strategies: D. P. Bentz, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD.
  • CBP-TR-2009-002-C4, Rev. 0 Chemical Degradation Review: E. Samson, SIMCO Technologies, Inc., Quebec City, Canada; Pierre Henocq and Jacques Marchand, SIMCO Technologies, Inc.Quebec City, Canada.
  • CBP-TR-2009-002-C5, Rev. 0 Mechanical Damage Review: E. Samson, SIMCO Technologies, Inc., Quebec City, Canada; S. Sarkar and D. S. Kosson, Vanderbilt University, School of Engineering, Consortium for Risk Evaluation with Stakeholder Participation, Nashville, TN.
  • CBP-TR-2009-002-C6, Rev 0 Moisture Transport Review: J. R. Arnold and, A. C. Garrabrants, Vanderbilt University, School of Engineering, Consortium for Risk Evaluation with Stakeholder Participation, Nashville, TN; E. Samson, SIMCO Technology, Inc., Quebec City, Canada; G. P. Flach, and C. A. Langton, Savannah River National Laboratory, Aiken, SC.
  • CBP-TR-2009-002-C7, Rev 0 Review Of The Physical And Chemical Aspects Of Leaching Assessment : J. C. L Meeussen, Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands, Petten, The Netherlands; A. C. Garrabrants, and D.S. Kosson, Vanderbilt University, School of Engineering, Consortium for Risk Evaluation with Stakeholder Participation, Nashville, TN; and M. Fuhrmann, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C.
  • CBP-TR-2009-002-C8, Rev 0 Review Of Thermodynamic and Adsorption Databases: J. C. L. Meeussen, H. A. van der Sloot, J. J. Dijkstra Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands, Petten, The Netherlands, and D. S. Kosson, Vanderbilt University, School of Engineering, Consortium for Risk Evaluation with Stakeholder Participation, Nashville, TN.
  • CBP-TR-2009-002-C9, Rev 0 Review Of Approaches To Coupling Physical, Structural And Chemical Mechanisms: E. Samson, SIMCO Technologies, Inc., Quebec City, Canada; J. C. L. Meeussen, H. A. van der Sloot, Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands, Petten, The Netherlands; and A.C. Garrabrants, Vanderbilt University, School of Engineering, Consortium for Risk Evaluation with Stakeholders Participation, Nashville, TN.
  • CBP-TR-2009-002-C10, Rev 0 Review Of Integrating Programs And Code Structures Used For DOE Environmental Assessments: K.G. Brown, Vanderbilt University, School of Engineering, Consortium for Risk Evaluation with Stakeholder Participation, Nashville, TN; and G.P. Flach, Savannah River National Laboratory, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC, Savannah River Site, Aiken, SC.
  • CBP-TR-2009-002-C11, Rev 0 Uncertainty Analysis Methods: S. Mahadevan, Vanderbilt University, School of Engineering, Consortium for Risk Evaluation with Stakeholders Participation, Nashville, TN; and S. Sarkar, Vanderbilt University, School of Engineering Consortium for Risk Evaluation with Stakeholder Participation, Nashville, TN.

Description of the Software and Integrating Platform

December 2009 — CBP-TR-2009-003, Rev 0 OSTI Description

  • CBP Software Summaries for LeachXS™/ORCHESTRA, STADIUM®, THAMES, and GoldSim: Brown, KG & Flach, GP.
  • Detailed Description of the GoldSim Integrating Platform Selected for the CBP Project: Brown, KG & Flach, GP.
  • CBP Detailed Software Description Chapter: THAMES: Bullard, JW & Garboczi, EJ.
    SIMCO 2010, Demonstration of STADIUM® for the Performance Assessment of Cementitious Structures

2010  Top

Demonstration of LeachXS™/ORCHESTRA Capabilities by Simulating Constituent Release from a Cementitious Waste Form in a Reinforced Concrete Vault

CBP-TR-2010-007-C1 – March 2010
J.C.L. Meeusen, H.A. van der Sloot, Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands, Petten, The Netherlands, and D.S. Kosson, S. Sarkar, Vanderbilt University, CRESP, Nashville, TN.

Cementitious Barriers Partnership Task 7 Demonstration of Thames for Microstructure and Transport Properties

CBP-TR-2010-007-C2 – March 2010 OSTI Description

J.W. Bullard, P.E. Stutzman, K.A. Snyder, and E.J. Garbozi, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Materials Construction Research Division, Gaithersburg, MD.

Cementitious Barriers Partnership Task 7 Demonstration of STADIUM for the Performance Assessment of Concrete Low Activity Waste Storage Structures

CBP-TR-2010-007-C3 – March 2010
Eric Samson, SIMCO Technologies, Quebec, Canada.

WM2010 March 7-11 2010, Phoenix AZ

The Impact of Mineral Deposition by Carbonation and Dissolution on Leaching of Constituents from a Cement Mortar: Arnold, J, Meeussen, JCL, Garrabrants, A, van der Sloot, HA; Kosson, DS.

Probabilistic Durability Analysis of Cementitious Materials under Combined Sulfate Attack and Calcium Leaching: Sarkar, S, Mahadevan, S, Meeussen, JCL, van der Sloot, HA, Brown, KG & Kosson, DS.

CBP Code Integration GoldSim DLL Interface

CBP-TR-2010-009-2, Rev. 0, June 2010
Frank G. Smith III (SRNL), Greg Flach (SRNL) and Kevin G. Brown (VU/SRNL).

Probabilistic Durability Analysis of Cementitious Materials Under External Sulfate Attack

Sohini Sarkar
August 2010 – Ph.D. Dissertation, Vanderbilt University School of Engineering
Download Dissertation via ETD

Characterization of Reference Materials and Related Materials for the Cementitious Barriers Partnership

CBP-TR-2010-012-1 December 2010 Main Report / Appendices
Arnold, D. Kosson, H. van der Sloot, R. DeLapp, P. Seignette, A. Garrabrants and K. Brown.

2011  Top

WM2011 February 27 – March 3 2011, Phoenix AZ

GoldSim Dynamic-Link Library (DLL) Interface for Cementitious Barriers Partnership (CBP) Code Integration – 11444, K.G. Brown, Vanderbilt University; F. Smith, G. Flach, Savannah River National Laboratory.

Cementitious Barriers Partnership (CBP), Phase 1 : Code Integration – 11446, K. Brown, S. Sarkar, Vanderbilt University; G. Flach, F. Smith, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA)

Cementitous Barriers Partnership Accomplishments and Relevance to the USDOE Complex – 11443, H. Burns, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions; G. Flach, C. Langton, Savannah River National Laboratory; D. Kosson, K. Brown, Vanderbilt University; L. Suttora, P. Mallick, US DOE; D. Esh, J. Philip, US NRC; E. Garboczi, National Institute of Standards Technology (USA); E. Samson, SIMCO Technologies, Inc. (Canada); H. van der Sloot, JCL Meeussen, Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands.

Building Confidence in Performance Assessments through Performance Confirmation – 11394, J. Rustick, J. Clarke, Vanderbilt University; M. Letourneau, US DOE.

Effect of Various Factors on the Durability Prediction of Nuclear Waste Containment Structures – 11546, S. Sarkar, D. Kosson, S. Mahadevan, K. Brown, Vanderbilt University; H. Van Der Sloot, JCL Meeussen, Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (The Netherlands); G. Flach, C. Langton, Savannah River National Laboratory.

Technical Insights for Saltstone PA Maintenance

CBP-RP-2010-013-01, Rev. 0, May 2011
S. Sarkar, S. Mahadevan, D. Kosson, E. Samson, J.C.L Meeussen, H. van der Sloot, G. Flach, Cementitious Barriers Partnership.

CBP Phase I Code Integration

CBP-TR-2011-009-1, September 2011
Frank G. Smith, III (SRNL), Kevin G. Brown (VU/CRESP), Greg P. Flach (SRNL) and Sohini Sarkar (VU/CRESP)

2012  Top

Mesh2D Grid Generator Design and Use

SRNL-STI-2012-00005, Revision 0, 2012
Flach, G & Smith III, FG Savannah River National Laboratory, Aiken, SC.

Sensitivity Analysis of Damage in Cement Materials under Sulfate Attack and Calcium Leaching

Sarkar, S, Mahadevan, S, Meeussen, JCL, van der Sloot, HA & Kosson, DS 2012, Sensitivity Analysis of Damage in Cement Materials under Sulfate Attack and Calcium Leaching, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 430-440.

Bayesian calibration of thermodynamic parameters for geochemical speciation modeling of cementitious materials

Sarkar, S, Kosson, DS, Mahadevan, S, Meeussen, JCL, van der Sloot, H, Arnold, JR & Brown, KG 2012, Bayesian calibration of thermodynamic parameters for geochemical speciation modeling of cementitious materials, Cement and Concrete Research, vol. 42, pp. 889-902.

Use of characterisation leaching tests and associated modelling tools in assessing the hazardous nature of wastes

van der Sloot, HA & Kosson, DS 2012, Use of characterisation leaching tests and associated modelling tools in assessing the hazardous nature of wastes, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vols. 207-208, pp. 36-43.

CBP Software Toolbox, Version 1.0 User Guide

CBP-TR-2012-009-1, Rev. 0, 2012
Brown, KG, Flach, GP & Smith III, FG, Cementitious Barriers Partnership, Nashville, TN and Aiken, SC.

CBP Software Toolbox, Version 1.0 Installation Guide

CBP-TR-2012-009-2, Rev. 0, 2012
Brown, KG, Flach, GP & Smith III, FG, Cementitious Barriers Partnership, Nashville, TN and Aiken, SC.

Task 10 – Model improvement: Implementation of density and viscosity effects on ionic transport of highly concentrated solutions

CBP-TR-2012-010-2, Rev. 0, 2012
Grégoire, E & Samson, E, SIMCO Technologies Inc., Québec, QC, Canada.

2013  Top

Characterization and modeling of major constituent equilibrium chemistry of a blended cement mortar

Arnold, J, Kosson, DS, Brown, KG, Garrabrants, AC, Meeussen, JCL & van der Sloot, HA 2013, Characterization and modeling of major constituent equilibrium chemistry of a blended cement mortar, EPJ Web of Conferences, vol. 56, 01004.

Modeling Carbonation of High-Level Waste Tank Integrity and Closure

Brown, KG, Arnold, JR, Sarkar, S, Flach, G, van der Sloot, HA, Meeussen, JCL, & Kosson, DS 2013, Modeling Carbonation of High-Level Waste Tank Integrity and Closure, EPJ Web of Conferences, vol. 56, 05003.

Solution of the nonlinear Poisson–Boltzmann equation: Application to ionic diffusion in cementitious materials

Arnold, J, Kosson, DS, Garrabrants, AC, Meeussen, JCL & van der Sloot, HA 2013, Solution of the nonlinear Poisson–Boltzmann equation: Application to ionic diffusion in cementitious materials, Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 44, pp. 8-17.

Cementitious Barriers Partnership (CBP): Training and Release of CBP Toolbox Software, Version 1.0 – 13480

Brown, KG, Kosson, D, Garrabrants, A, Sarkar, S, Flach, G, Langton, C, Smith III, F, Burns, H, van der Sloot, H, Meeussen, JCL, Samson, E, Mallick, P, Suttora, L, Esh, D, Fuhrmann, M & Philip, J 2013, WM’2013, WMSymposia, Phoenix, Arizona.

Cementitious Barriers Partnership (CBP): Using the CBP Software Toolbox to Simulate Sulfate Attack and Carbonation of Concrete Structures – 13481

Brown, KG, Kosson, D, Garrabrants, A, Sarkar, S, Flach, G, Langton, C, Smith III, F, Burns, H, van der Sloot, H, Meeussen, JCL, Samson, E, Mallick, P, Suttora, L, Esh, D, Fuhrmann, M & Philip, J 2013, WM’2013, WMSymposia, Phoenix, Arizona.

The Cementitious Barriers Partnership (CBP) Software Toolbox Capabilities in Assessing the Degradation of Cementitious Barriers – 13487

Flach, GP, Burns, HH, Langton, C, Smith III, FG, Brown, KG, Kosson, D, Garrabrants, A, Sarkar, S, van der Sloot, H, Meeussen, JCL, Garboczi, E, Bullard, JW, Stutzman, PE, Samson, E, Mallick, P, Suttora, L, Esh, D, Fuhrmann, M & Philip, J 2013, WM’2013, WMSymposia, Phoenix, Arizona.

A Dual Regime Reactive Transport Model for Simulation of High Level Waste Tank Closure Scenarios – 13375

Sarkar, S, Kosson, DS, Meeussen, JCL, van der Sloot, HA, Brown, KG, & Garrabrants, A 2013, WM’2013, WMSymposia, Phoenix, Arizona.

CBP Toolbox Version 1.1: Code Integration Enhancements

Smith III, FG, Flach, G & Brown, KG 2013, , CBP-TR-2013-03, Rev.1, Cementitious Barriers Partnership, Aiken, SC and Nashville, TN.

GoldSim Interface for the CBP Software Toolbox, Version 2.0, User Guide

CBP-TR-2013-004-1, Rev. 0, 2013

Brown, KG, Flach, GP & Smith III, FG, Cementitious Barriers Partnership, Nashville, TN and Aiken, SC.

CBP Software Toolbox, Version 2.0 Installation Guide

CBP-TR-2013-004-2, Rev. 0, 2013
Brown, KG, Flach, GP & Smith III, FG, Cementitious Barriers Partnership, Nashville, TN and Aiken, SC.

2014  Top

The Expanded Capabilities of the Cementitious Barriers Partnership Software Toolbox Version 2.0 – 14331

Burns, H, Flach, G, Smith, F, Langton, C, Brown, K, Kosson, D, Samson, E, Mallick, P, 2014, WM’2013, WMSymposia, Phoenix, Arizona.

Understanding the Impact of Model Assumptions on Estimating Constituent Leaching during Disposal of Cementitious Waste Forms – 14382

Brown, KG, Kosson, DS, Arnold, JR, van der Sloot, HA, and Meeussen, JCL, 2014, WM’2013, WMSymposia, Phoenix, Arizona.

Application of the New US EPA Leaching Environmental Assessment Framework (LEAF) to DOE Environmental Management Challenges – 14383

Kosson, DS, Garrabrants, AC, van der Sloot, HA, and Brown, KG, 2014, WM’2013, WMSymposia, Phoenix, Arizona.

Technecium Oxidation in Slag-Based Sodium Salt Waste Forms Exposed to Water and Moist Hanford Soil

Cementitious Barriers Partnership, August 2014, CBP-TR-2014-005, Rev. 0

 X-ray Diffraction of Slag-based Sodium Salt Waste Forms

Cementitious Barriers Partnership, September 2014, CBP-TR-2014-004, Rev. 1