

Developing computational tools to improve understanding and prediction of cementitious barrier performance

The objective of the CBP is to develop a set of computational tools and experimental methods to improve understanding and prediction of the long-term structural, hydraulic, and chemical performance of cementitious barriers and waste forms used primarily in nuclear waste disposal.

The Cementitious Barriers Partnership (CBP) is a collaborative program sponsored by the US DOE Office of Environmental Management. CBP is developing a set of computational tools, laboratory and field experimental data, test methods and guidance documents to improve understanding and prediction ofthe long‐term structural, hydraulic, and chemical performance of cementitious barriers and waste forms used in nuclear applications.

CBP tools will quantify and reduce the uncertainties of current methodologies for assessing cementitious barrier performance and increase the consistency and transparency of the assessment process, with application to low activity waste forms, high level waste tank closure, D&D and entombment of major nuclear facilities, landfill waste acceptance criteria, and in situ grouting and immobilization of vadose zone contamination.

CBP results are being used and anticipated by performance assessment developers and regulatory reviewers as providing key scientific and technical foundations for resolving near‐term issues and evaluating future options.

Activities include:

  • hydraulic properties characterization and modeling
  • matrix phase characterization, evolution, and modeling
  • contaminant characterization leaching and modeling
  • model integration
  • uncertainty characterization and quantification
  • test beds
  • simulation support

Outcomes include:

  • test methods
  • data and data compilations
  • scenario specific conceptual models
  • computational modeling tools
